The campus wide shift to canvas has made it a bit harder for me to keep an archive of teaching materials online. I do promise I will update the last few years here soon…. I don’t make any promises about what soon means.
Former Classes:
Winter 2017:
US10: Introduction to Civic and Community Engagement
Inf 232: Research in Human Centered Computing
Fall 2016:
Inf280: Introduction to Human Computer Interaction and Design
Spring 2016:
US100: Community Based Research
Winter 2016:
Inf 232: Research in Human Centered Computing
Fall 2014:
Inf 201: Research in Informatics
Fall 2013:
Inf 201: Research in Informatics
US 10: Introduction to Civic and Community Engagement
Winter 2013:
Inf 242/CS248B: Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction
Inf 162W: Organizational Analysis of Information Systems
Fall 2012:
Inf 231: User Interface Design and Evaluation
US10: Intro to Civic and Community Engagement
Spring 2012:
Inf295/CS295: Biomedical Informatics
Inf209s/208s: Informatics Seminar
Fall ’10:
Uni Studies 10: Introduction to Civic and Community Engagement
Winter ’10:
– Informatics 231B: Research in Human-Computer Interaction
Fall ’09:
– Informatics 148: Projects in Ubiquitous Computing
– Informatics 201: Research Methods in Informatics
Spring ’09:
– Informatics 44: Research Topics in Informatics
Fall ’08:
– Informatics 153: CSCW
– Informatics 201: Research Methods in Informatics
Spring ’08:
– Informatics 163: projects course in social impacts and field work
Winter ’08:
– Informatics 295: grad seminar on recording and surveillance technologies
– Informatics 190: undergrad prototyping lab/projects class with hands-on time with ubicomp projects