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Class Information

Informatics 231 is an introduction to human-computer interaction and user centered design. This course is focused on practical methods for approaching interaction design. In this class, you will develop an appreciation for the nature of design and the challenges to creating and evaluating good designs. You will learn specific skills for studying and designing interactive systems. At the end of this class, you should have a suite of tools available to you to help you design interactive systems that are both usable and useful.

  • Informatics 231: Human-Computer Interaction
  • Quarter: Fall Qtr 2012
  • Room: ICS 243
  • Day & time: Tu Th 9:30-10:50
  • Required Book: Human-Computer Interaction; Dix, Finlay, Abowd, Beale (DFAB)


Gillian R. Hayes

  • Office: Donald Bren Hall, 5072
  • Phone: 949-824-1483
  • Email: gillianrh [at] ics [dot] uci [dot] edu
  • Office Hours: TBD or by appointment


Course Goals

1. Develop an appreciation for the theory and sensibilities of user-centered design and human-computer interaction
2. Develop skills in the use and application of a variety of design methods, specifically applicable to user-centered design
3. Improve individual and collaborative skills in design-based problem solving


On the successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
1. Given a problem setting, critically discuss the appropriateness of potential design methods such as contextual design, scenario-based design, participatory, etc.
2. Describe the issues and challenges to achieving a human-centered design process
3. Gather useful information about users and activities through observation or systematic inquiry
4. Use, adapt and extend classic design standards, guidelines, and patterns
5. Employ selected design methods at a basic level of competence: affinity diagrams, card sorting, scenarios of use, personas, storyboarding, sketching, and usability evaluation
6. Create a low-fidelity prototype and plan and perform a usability evaluation



Course Design Credit 

Many course materials are adapted from those of instructors from similar courses, including Julie Kientz, Bruce Walker, Elaine Huang, Gregory Abowd, Beth Mynatt, Jacob Wobbrock, Dave Hendry, Batya Friedman, Andrew Ko, Mark Zachry, and Jen-nifer Turns. Please do not distribute materials without the instructor’s consent.


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