You will want to customize this email… it would be a bit odd I suspect for these agencies if they were to receive the exact same email from each of you, but this will give you an idea.
Dear _________
I am writing, because I am enrolled in Dr. Hayes’s class on Civic and Community Engagement at UCI. I would like to do my service learning for this class at your organization. Specifically, I am most interested in helping with _________________, but of course, I am happy to help with whatever you need. Could I come to visit/talk to you by phone [CHOOSE ONE, DON’T PUT THAT WEIRD SLASH IN] sometime this week or next? I need to have my service learning site finalized, and a service learning agreement signed by me and by you turned in to Dr. Hayes by October 12. [IF APPLICABLE] I am attaching my completed application to serve with your organization.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you/Regards/Sincerely/Best,