US10 – Winter 2017



Class Information

  • Quarter: Winter Quarter 2017
  • Room: DBH 1422
  • Day & time: MW 2-3:20
  • Required Book:  Mountains Beyond Mountains — Tracy Kidder

Course Description

This course provides students with a foundation for understanding the role of public scholarship, community engagement, social action and philanthropy. In this course, students will examine key theories and research that underlie contemporary thinking about community engagement and philanthropy, as an introduction to the minor in civic and community engagement. Students will examine and critique strategies for social and environmental change. The course will involve presentations from community partners from various disciplines and hands-on engagement with philanthropy in the form of students making decisions about the distribution of a $50,000 fund generously donated by The Philanthropy Lab. The course includes lectures, discussions, a group presentation, exams, readings, and participation in a philanthropy lab project.

Learning Objectives

Through this course, you will gain the following:


1. Understand the theory and history of civic and community engagement in the US, and develop critical perspectives on the role of service
2. Understand how individuals and groups create and sustain change
3. Deepen your understanding of social and environmental problems and of the role of multiple stakeholders in addressing these problems

4. Develop skills for success working in community settings
5. Learn to work effectively as members of a diverse team
6. Develop your own interests and commitment to community engagement and service.


Professor: Gillian R. Hayes

  • Office: Donald Bren Hall, 50284
  • Phone: 949-824-1483
  • Email: gillianrh [at] ics [dot] uci [dot] edu
  • Office Hours:TBA


Date Topic Readings
(to be done BEFORE class)
Assignments to be turned in the day of class
M, 1/9 Introduction to civic and community engagement:

  • Why engagement?
  • Introduction to service learning
  • Introduction to philanthropy
  • Introduction to the class website

Choosing a philanthropy topic

 Sign up for groups

W, 1/11
No Class Have your first group meeting; You can do this during class to make your life easier or do it later. Up to you.

Please complete the survey at:


Bonus point for those who complete service through an organization that does Day of Service, such as OneOC

 1/18 Understanding privilege; Basics of Philanthropy RR1


M 1/23 Working successfully in groups


P1: Individual reflections on non-profits
 W 1/25 Guest Speaker: Anna Davis, Director of Pro Bono Programs UCI Law School




Access to arts and culture, historical and cultural representation


  • Megan MacDonald, Director of Outreach Programs, Claire Trevor School of the Arts
  • Speaker from an Arts Organization TBD
  • Ted Smith, UCI Trustee and Pacific Symphony supporter
P2: Turn in your group’s list of Two Non-Profits to Explore from the larger list provided to you. Each group may also include up to one additional non-profit that is suggested by team members but not on the list.




Children’s Needs

Invited Panel:





Poverty and associated issues

  • Access to food, housing, and other services panel

Invited Panel:

Begin reading Kidder, T. (2004). Mountains beyond mountains: Part One: Dokte Paul, pages 3-44


Environmental sustainability and stewardship

Invited Panel:

  • Abby Reyes (Global Sustainability Resource Center), invited
  • Gary Brown (Coast Keepers)
  • Shandas, V., & Messer, W. B. (2008). Fostering green communities through civic engagement: community-based environmental stewardship in the Portland area. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74(4), 408-418. [Download from Canvas]
  • Kidder (contd) Part Two: The Tin Roofs of Cange, pages 47-121


Assessing an organization; conducting site visits

Invited Panel:

  • Michelle Boroughs (OC United Way)
  • Don Thompson (Thompson Family Foundation)
  • Bob Kleist ( not yet invited)



No class

  • Have site visits, interviews
  • Do due diligence




No class, President’s Day

  • Have site visits, interviews
  • Do due diligence


Corporate-Community Engagement



 Mountains beyond mountains:  Kidder (cont’d) Part Three: Medicos Adventuros, pages 125-177 RR6

Choose your board assignments



University-Community Engagement

  • Kate Klimow, Vice-Chancellor for Community and Government Relations
  • Ashley Vikander, Director of Social Ecology Field Study
  • Darlene Esparza (invited)
  • Brian Hervey, Vice Chancellor for Development
Campus Compact. (2000). Presidents’ declaration on the civic responsibility of higher education.   RR7


UCI as a Non-Profit


  • Tom & Elizabeth Tierney
  • Julie Hill, Chair of Trustees for UCI
  • Mike Dennin, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning


Race and cross-cultural relations; Working with others who are different from you

Michael Montoya

  • Kidder, T. (2004).  Mountains beyond mountains (completed).Part Five: O for the P
  • Go to and take AT LEAST THREE of the hidden bias tests (under social biases, on left side). Bring your results with you to class. We will break into small groups and discuss.


Discussion of Mountains Beyond Mountains RR8


Board Meeting Part One: Program Director Presentations
  • Hoff, R. (1992.) I can see you naked.  Kansas City:  Andrews and McMeel. [download from canvas]
  • Presentations-Tips (PowerPoint presentation) [download from canvas]
 P3 [TURNED IN AT LEAST 24 hours before class]


Board Meeting Part Two: Discussion about grant distribution
Final Paper Due: BY March 24 at 3:30 PM (this is what time your final would have ended if we had done the usual schedule)


Project Assignments:
P1: In a 2-page paper, each student will focus on two nonprofit agencies from an approved list. [Students may add a third nonprofit and a third page if they feel passionately about an organization not on the list]. Using information to be found online as well as other materials directly from the agencies, the student will identify the mission and goals of each agency and describe sample projects. Students should be able to identify both what services this agency provides to the community (and who community is for them) as well as what qualities seem to make them confident in their “investment” (or not confident if research indicates a problem).  The student will distribute and present the paper to their group as well as turn in online.

P2: In a similar 3-page paper to the one above, project TEAMS will propose two nonprofit agencies from those identified in P1. The assessments will be similar but should not be the SAME as the ones above. In particular, they should now include additional input from teammates and summaries of the team discussion that led to the these choices (hence an additional page). Student teams may add up to ONE additional nonprofit not from the approved list and have one additional page to their paper. However, this is not required, and no more than one per team may be added.

P3: Board Meeting Presentation: Each group will give a presentation on the final group you have chosen to advocate for funding. There are four groups and only 80 minutes. So, you have 20 minutes total per group to provide information AND answer questions.

You will send your powerpoint to Dr. Hayes at least 24 hours before class to be loaded onto a single computer.

Your presentation should be organized as follows:

Section 1 – The general area you are working to address. (2 minutes)

  • What are the major issues and concerns?
  • What kinds of things are we doing about it in OC, California, and the World?
  • Who are some of the nonprofits in this space, both big and small?

Section 2 – Overview of the Nonprofit (4 minutes)

  • Provide a succinct overview of the nonprofit organization selected by the team. This should include the mission (possibly the mission statement but also more broadly what you interpret their mission to be), history, scope, location(s), and community served.
  • Explain the organization’s size and structure as well as how they are doing financially. At this point, ratings from external nonprofit rating bodies as well as anything you have found through public records searchers, annual reports, and so on will be helpful.

Section 3 – Project Description and Budget (4 minutes)

  • Describe the specific project proposed for a class award (this might be part of a larger project, in which case, explain how you expect the rest of the money to be raised).
  • Include who will be served and how as well as what the money will be used for specifically (including a detailed budget for $10,000, $25,000, and $50,000).

Section 4 – Timeline, Evaluation and Rationale (6 minutes )

  • Discuss the timeline for implementing the project once the funds have been awarded.
  • Identify at least two outcomes that are measurable that you will/would assess in the next year to determine whether and how the funding is being used to meet the objectives you initially set out.
  • Describe the group’s rationale for selecting this project and this non-profit, outlining in detail why the class should choose to fund it.

Section 5 – Questions (2 minutes)

Board Assignments

  1. Convening Directors – the four directors will determine the manner in which voting will occur at the Board meeting to determine the funding awards. These rules must be written and distributed to the board (class) at least one week prior to the board meeting. The one rule that cannot be bent is that all students (board members) may be allowed to vote for any organization regardless of their team.
  2. Program Directors – these four directors will introduce their groups’ presentations at the board meeting and keep each presentation on a tight schedule. These board members are seen as the primary representatives (and advocates) for the project their team has chosen. They must be prepared to answer questions as well.
  3. Editorial Directors – the four directors will be responsible for the final editing and proofreading of their PowerPoint slides as well as uploading of them by the deadline.
  4. Events Directors – the four directors will work with the faculty and staff at DUE to plan the grant award reception. Each director will also represent their team (and nonprofit) by giving a brief talk (~ 3 minutes) about why the particular project was chosen and is important.
  5. Evaluation and Progress Report Directors – the four directors will work with Dr. Hayes to devise two questionnaires: One for assessing student experiences in the course and one for assessing non-profit experiences. They will implement these questionnaires as part of this class, and a subset will be invited to take independent study in the future to assess the chosen nonprofits and prepare a report for the Foundation. These independent study courses can count as the internship component of the CCE minor.

Reading Reflections:

There will be substantial discussion in this class. To prepare you for that discussion, you will write reading reflections based on questions posed by the professor on the assigned readings. These should be short (2-3 paragraphs) and turned in via Canvas AT LEAST 12 HOURS BEFORE CLASS!!!! They will not be accepted on paper. Online only please.

(These will be posted as the quarter progresses, but two are posted for now)
RR1: Based on your philanthropy readings this week, and discussions in class, give your definition of philanthropy and how you think the role of philanthropy has and should evolve in time.

RR2: Choose THREE inaugural addresses from this list and comment on what you see as trends in them, how they compare to your own hopes and wishes for this inaugural address, the future of the country, and so on. No matter what your politics, you can reflect safely on your own views in this class.

Opportunities for Bonus Points:

These will be announced periodically in class. Class attendance is one way I frequently give out bonus points.


Dropping the Course

This course includes working in a group and with external organizations. To support mutual responsibility within and outside the class, no drops are permitted after the end of week 2, and it is greatly preferred that you do not add or drop after week one. Please do NOT come to talk to me about trying to drop this class after the second week. It will only be an uncomfortable situation for us both, and in the end, the policy is firm.


Class participation, attendance, and in class exercises 14 points(group exercise [2 points]+ tolerance and hidden biases [2 points] + general discussion and attendance throughout quarter [10 points])
Philanthropy Project Reflections (P1 and P2) 12 points (6 points each)
Reading reflections: 32 points   (4 points each)
Group presentation at board meeting: 22 points    (everyone in group gets same score
* a multiple between 0 and 1 based on team feedback; 2 points for providing thoughtful group feedback)
Final paper 20 points
TOTAL 100 points


Class Participation 

By actively participating in class you can develop your professional skills for design. Here are some examples of how you can participate:

1. Treat all with respect – be constructive in all discussions
2. Come to class prepared – read carefully prior to class meetings and post reading reflections on time
3. Be an active listener – be attentive, be engaged, use in-class technology with discretion
4. Ask challenging questions
5. Comment, build on, or clarify others’ contributions
6. Post useful or interesting information to the class discussion list or the class website

You should assume this entire class comes with a trigger warning. That said, you need to stay in class and participate. People who are most vulnerable do not get to escape when they feel uncomfortable, nor should you. I do, however, welcome you coming to talk to me about your concerns outside of class, and I will help you work through things as best I can. I also recommend seeking help at the counseling center if anything particularly troublesome comes up in class. Don’t be shy. We are all in this together.

If you would like, you may submit an optional 2-3 paragraph personal statement on how you contributed to the class. If you submit a statement, it is due on the day that would be the final exam: December 10 via EEE Dropbox.

Quality of Written Assignments 

Reports should be well organized, thoroughly proofread, and free from grammatical errors. Each assignment will have “quality of written assignments” as a graded component worth at least 10%. If English is not your first language, I recommend you check out the UCI writing center at

In addition to the above recommendations, all assignments should include the following information:

Your name and e-mail address
US10 Winter 2017
Assignment number and name (e.g., Reading Reflection 1)

Late Assignments
You can turn in your assignments up to two days late for half-credit. Later than that, and no credit.

Students are expected to attend all lectures on time. I understand that things happen in life. You may need to miss class from time to time, though you should do everything in your power to avoid it. It is your responsibility to make up the content by meeting with other members of the class. If you make a habit of missing class, it will reflect in your participation grade. I do not want to talk with you about your excuses for missing class, because a small number of missed classes is acceptable with no explanation, and a large number is not acceptable regardless of the explanation.

Contacting the Instructor 
You are welcome to give me feedback about the course, to ask a question about an assignment, to share an interesting article or resource, to request additional time for an assignment (because of significant health, personal, or educational matter), or similar communication. Please note the following guidelines:

 Email or before/after class are the preferred and most reliable methods of contact. Please include US10 in the subject line of all emails.
 Whenever appropriate, please copy the class listserv with your question or comment
 E-mail concerning assignments might not be replied to if it is sent within 36 hours of an assignment due date
 If your question concerns your grade, please follow the re-grading policy (see below)
 E-mail that is sent on Friday afternoon or over the weekend it is not likely to be replied to until Monday or Tuesday of the following week
 If you don’t receive a reply within 2 days or so, please resend your e-mail or ask about it during class

Re-grading Policy 

To have work re-graded, you must submit a Re-grade Request within one week of when your work was returned. The request must be a single page, printed on paper or sent by e-mail. It should contain the following information:

 Re-grade Request
 Your name, email address, date the original assignment was due, date you are turning this in.
 An explanation for why you believe you deserve a higher grade.

The instructor will consider your request. If the instructor is convinced by your argument, your work will be re-graded. If not, the instructor will send you an e-mail explaining why. No re-grades will be considered for late work.


If you are a student with a disability (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) and think that you might need special assistance or a special accommodation in this class or any other class, please check out the Disability Center online or visit them in person at
100 Disability Services Center, Building 313
Irvine, CA 92697-5130

Counseling Center:
If you find that personal problems, career indecision, study and time management difficulties, etc. are adversely impacting your successful progress at UCI, please check out the Counseling Center online or in person at 203 student services 1.

Technology Requirements:
You need access to a personal computer (Mac or Windows) for major amounts of time for this course. You need Internet access for this course. You must be able to save word processing files in a .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word) or .pdf format for sharing and submitting files to the instructor. You are expected to have working knowledge and capability with your computer before entering this class.
Please submit all papers and materials (unless otherwise noted in the course schedule) through EEE/ online. NO ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY EMAIL. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Class information and announcements will be communicated through EEE and through your UCI email address. To access EEE, you will need your UCI Net ID and password. If you do not know these, please contact OIT.

Plagiarism & Cheating:

Please read and heed the following information regarding academic dishonesty. The instructor cannot and will not tolerate academic dishonesty. For more information, refer to the UCI Student Handbook. The UCI campus policy on plagiarism can also be found on the Registrar’s website, under “Academic Honesty Policy”.

In assignments that involve a group you will ALL be held EQUALLY responsible for any plagiarism, regardless of who actually wrote what in the paper/presentation. So do not come to me claiming that your partner was the one who actually plagiarized. You are responsible for content with your name on it.
 Everything you turn in WILL BE CHECKED FOR PLAGIARISM. The penalty for plagiarism and cheating is at a minimum to receive a 0 on the assignment and have the case reported to the Dean of Undergraduate Education office. Particularly flagrant cases may receive more severe punishment (notably failing the course).

I can not emphasize to you enough how strongly I feel about plagiarism and cheating. It will NOT be tolerated.
If you have any questions, please come to me and ask. It is much better to ask before than to be caught after.

What is cheating?

–       Supplying or using work or answers not your own.
–       Providing or accepting assistance with completing assignments or examinations.
–       Interfering in any way with someone else’s work.
–       Stealing an examination, solution, paper topic, etc. from the teacher.

What is plagiarism?
–       Copying a paper from a source text without proper acknowledgment.
–       Buying a paper from a research service or term paper mill.
–       Turning in another student’s work with or without that student’s knowledge.
–       Copying a paper from a source text without proper acknowledgment.
–       Copying materials from a source text, supplying proper documentation, but leaving out quotation marks.
–       Paraphrasing materials from a source text without appropriate documentation.
–       Turning in a paper from a term paper website.

You should be EVER WATCHFUL about plagiarism. It can creep up in the strangest and most unexpected places, and I will be on guard at all times in search of it. In academia, the only thing we have is our ideas. If you do not respect other people’s ideas, you can not be a successful, moral, and ethical academic.

Generally, when you use ideas and/or words gathered from some other source, you will either quote that source directly or you will paraphrase or summarize that work. You MUST let the reader know which you are doing.

1. If you quote the source directly, you must

a. put quotation marks before and after that person’s words;
b. let the reader know the source by (1) putting a footnote or endnote number at the end of the quotation, or (2) putting at least the source’s name in parentheses after the quotation marks (such as when being taken from fieldwork).

2. If you paraphrase (a paraphrase is about the same length as the original, but in different words) or if you summarize (a summary is a severely shortened version of the original), you must
a. introduce the source in some manner at the beginning of the passage being paraphrased (or summarized) so that the reader can tell where your idea stops and the other person’s begins;
b. state the ideas taken from the source in your own words and your own arrangement. It is possible to plagiarize sentence patterns as well as exact words.

****A useful rule to check every time you paraphrase or summarize: if, when you are summarizing, you use more than three words in in a row from the source materials, you should think about using quotations around those words. This is not a bad thing. You want to use the quotes!
b. provide the exact source citation/reference for the ideas that you are summarizing. In formal writing, you can do this with a footnote, endnote, or other formal reference. In less formal writing, you can mark it inline or as a note at the end of your writing. Either way, make sure the reader knows where to find the source and gives proper credit to the original author.

3. You must also provide a footnote, endnote, or reference for ANY chart, graph, figure, table, summary, or other data taken directly from another source as well as anything that you state in text that comes from such a visual reference. You should also be sure to check copyright to determine whether you are even allowed to use this figure in the first place. Google and Flickr both have advanced search engines that allow you to only find images that are allowed to be used (typically with attribution through Creative Commons or another similar body).

For example, the text here on plagiarism has been generously borrowed and slightly modified from the UTC Center for Advisement and Student Success. Likewise, the course materials have been replicated over the years from my own previous courses as well as from Kris Day, who originally designed this course. Her contributions to these materials are incredibly appreciated.